31 December 2009


and i took a little time this morning to reflect on what 2009 meant to me.

when i try and go over it bit by bit i can hardly believe the path it took...so much of it feels like a dream. a whole lot of it does seem self-centred with a sole focus on the journey for our baby but to have come this far fills me with a gratitude that i can't put in to words and i shall keep that memory dear in my heart as the best thing of the past twelve months.

the year has brought us a lot of happy times. times with family and friends and very special times together as a couple. it brought sadder days too for my loved ones. my grandma in poor health and difficult decisions to be made. losing my granddad just a few weeks ago too brought home just how important my family is to me. next year i want to give more love and support to them. and see more of my brother...or at least speak to him more on the phone!

all in all it was definitely a year of hope. and as 2010 draws closer i see a year of wonder about to begin. i always love new year's day with that sense of a fresh page. tonight we'll be seeing it in with some lovely friends...sharing a meal in their home. tomorrow i may just pop back with a few more resolutions...until then thank you so much for reading along and i wish you all the very best new year adventure wherever it takes you. XxX


  1. i often have to remind myself to take time out to think of all that i have to be thankful for, here's to a happy 2010 for us all, x

  2. Happy times ahead Kelly! Wishing you a magical time.

  3. I like the thought of a new year adventure! Today was the perfect beginning, bright sun, a long walk, friends. All good. Hope your year brings many wonderful things.

  4. dear kelly, wishing you a wonderful 2010!
    (i was so happy to read you will be a mother soon..
    thank you for your lovely words on my blog)


thank you from the heart for leaving me a message...your hellos and encouragement mean a lot to me! i will do my very best to reply individually to each comment via the same post so do check back. x