25 October 2010


we had the loveliest afternoon. me and my girl at a party. it was a joy to watch her slowly loosen her grip on my shoulder and go to play with the other bambinos. clapping and crawling and chatting. oh and new toys to share.

elsa wore her top {saved for best} by belle and boo...our sweet friend mandy sent it for us when little miss arrived on the scene. their new collection of clothing is so very adorable. in particular i am coveting this coat!

so many firsts coming up...it scares me to think hers will be one of them. but there is a 1st christmas to come beforehand so i don't have to think about it just yet!

photos of the card for the birthday girl today. i can't get my printer to work so my usual photoshop/stitchery combination was un-do-able. i actually quite enjoyed creating one with just a few doodles and hand stitches though.


  1. The firsts come around far too quickly don't they? Lovely top and the card is so pretty too.

  2. You are just the loveliest mummy ever, thank you for Little stars card, very special!
    Planning a large cath up with you next week, where has the time gone???
    Just need to get our fair out of the way this weekend and then i can breath again!
    Looking forward to catching up with you and the lovely little lady.
    L xx


thank you from the heart for leaving me a message...your hellos and encouragement mean a lot to me! i will do my very best to reply individually to each comment via the same post so do check back. x