02 February 2011


you know the website?

the combination has often intrigued me. so now we are on a cake roll with elsa and in a slight change to the original...i present cocoa & courgette! {trust me to subtract any glamour going about here.}

baked with a certain girl in mind {you get the picture...no eggs-milk-butter-etc} they probably were more of a hit with the grown ups...well me...{and i would have liked the addition of real chocolate chips please} so it is back to the drawing board with the recipe for these buns. watch this space though...i aim to revisit and share once i get baby approval.


  1. They look nice....I would like to taste one.....or two or three.
    What a lovely mum to be making so much effort for Elsa to experience cake...

  2. Hi. Didn't know of that site, so now I will take a look. Pity the buns weren't quite as you hoped, but they look good. Better luck next time eh. Happy weekend.

  3. Got to give them a go.

  4. Volunteering myself as an extra taster. It has been too long. Elsa looks adorable in the last post.

  5. this look so good, it makes me want to go and bake.


thank you from the heart for leaving me a message...your hellos and encouragement mean a lot to me! i will do my very best to reply individually to each comment via the same post so do check back. x