06 August 2012

Beans and Berries

as per...my post comes to you mostly in pictures...
can i talk you through?

1. we have harvested our first beans! very exciting (for us) and as my dad got them started from seed so we shared the goodness with him and my mum for sunday lunch. there is a crazy amount of rain coming and going here and that with the odd bit of summer sun has made for a tasty crop. i just picked a courgette too. the buzz of bringing in a little veggie a few steps from the garden to the kitchen is something i don't think i'll ever tire of.
2. elsa calls these "Straw Berries". you have to say it as 2 words. it is the law. makes me smile.
3. what are your thoughts on writing on walls at home? i adore these decals and have a couple in our home already. i don't want my own attempt to look cheesy but i really love this and have been thinking of having it somewhere where we can see it every day. at the moment i just hand wrote it on paper and have it stuck on a beam above the bed. hoping to paint it on this week.
4. more more and more sewing projects.
5. beautiful roses from my folks for said sunday lunch. that is a gingham cover for an ikea glass jar.

ok new week...may you be a productive one!


  1. A lovely post and the images are very special. I love those decals and they are done in such a unique way, as is your writing that they look amazing in the home. I love to be reminded of the important things. My fave use of the Shanna decals was 'loved beyond measure' on a nursery door- brought a tear to my eye. Hope your Monday was good, Jxx

  2. hey Jo...thanks for that...yes Shanna's words are tremendously beautiful. most often in their simplicity. perfect affirmations. we have a "you are loved" in our home. xx

  3. I bet you will always call then Straw Berries, even when she is all grown up. My Maisy used to call soup 'youp' and I still call it that now! (she is about to start high school) :) Nick x

  4. lovely post, and im sure that straw berries will always taste far better than plain old strawberries! :O)


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