10 April 2010


i do believe that i could survive on baby elsa and bread alone...and most days that is my life right now. not quite the home baked stuff that i resolved to try but the best ready to eat i can get my hands on. a good life with cups of tea and tired eyes and singing and hair that rarely goes near a brush. we are getting in to a bit of a good groove lately though. sleeping well. eating well. heart melting smiles. drools. and ok quite a lot of crying too...i will not pretend that it's all rosy but we are working out what most of the cries mean at least.

i heartily recommend a slice of this. and of course a baby cuddle if you can get your hands on one!


  1. Are Ocardo delivering? I had Gails when Nigel broke his ankle.
    Doesn't Elsa look like her daddy?
    Don't worry about not brushing your hair - since I gave up brushing mine its looked a lot better:)
    Enjoy the chaos while you have a real excuse.....

  2. Awww, look at her! She's lovely.

    Bread is my downfall, if I only had to eat another thing for the rest of my life, bread and butter would be it. Yum.

  3. Sending the gorgeous little Elsa and slobbery hug from little Stella xxx
    Trust me, it does get easier, but the hair never gets brushed ;)
    L xx

  4. Mother Hen14.4.10

    Oh she is so gorgeous, thank you for posting another image of her. Nobody ever tells you that it is an "interesting" time with a first baby, but the only way to go is relax and enjoy, everything else can wait xxxx


thank you from the heart for leaving me a message...your hellos and encouragement mean a lot to me! i will do my very best to reply individually to each comment via the same post so do check back. x