10 August 2012

Fonts Footwear Feline

so friday's post is brought to you by the letter f...

today my dad was sowing grass seed with this awesome seed sower machine...i love the lettering. he thinks me a bit bonkers for taking a photo of it i know! but font lovers...you understand?
he who has not featured much in this space for a while is still the coolest cat in town. top of bosco's list of jobs to do this summer is to snooze more on the decking. he has it sussed.
and new sandals! well old new sandals. vintage italian. yes kind of granny-ish (i believe they are know as bunion-busters? but if they're good enough for maggie gyllenhaal what can i say) they fit the worishofer style that i've been seeking out for a while. and only £10 in our town's 2nd hand clothes shop. we have an annual 1940s weekend coming up where lots of the locals dress up in vintage clothes and so the charity shops have some great things in at the moment. i feel like they've done all the rummaging and presented me with a rack of things i'd have to rummage to find. hooray!

hoping your weekend's are bright and beautiful...

08 August 2012

She Sorts Shoes...I Sew Skirts

we squeeze together in my studio (not that it is super small but more that it is super messy) and it is lovely to be able to work on something while elsa is there and happy to play/sort/instruct "too noisy mummy!" as the overlocker overpowers the music on the radio.

have you read the delight that is anthology issue 8? it's a living...exploring the creative connection between work and home. i adore this magazine and have poured over each copy since i subscribed 2 years ago. a whole post in itself really needs to be written about my thoughts on this subject. later in the week.

tonight an update in the shop.

06 August 2012

Beans and Berries

as per...my post comes to you mostly in pictures...
can i talk you through?

1. we have harvested our first beans! very exciting (for us) and as my dad got them started from seed so we shared the goodness with him and my mum for sunday lunch. there is a crazy amount of rain coming and going here and that with the odd bit of summer sun has made for a tasty crop. i just picked a courgette too. the buzz of bringing in a little veggie a few steps from the garden to the kitchen is something i don't think i'll ever tire of.
2. elsa calls these "Straw Berries". you have to say it as 2 words. it is the law. makes me smile.
3. what are your thoughts on writing on walls at home? i adore these decals and have a couple in our home already. i don't want my own attempt to look cheesy but i really love this and have been thinking of having it somewhere where we can see it every day. at the moment i just hand wrote it on paper and have it stuck on a beam above the bed. hoping to paint it on this week.
4. more more and more sewing projects.
5. beautiful roses from my folks for said sunday lunch. that is a gingham cover for an ikea glass jar.

ok new week...may you be a productive one!

01 August 2012

and so the calendar flips again. today was a cloudy warm wednesday. tonight it really struck me that it seems it got dark earlier. i hope it is my imagination getting the better of me.

this morning i baked banana bread with elsa. adding chopped dark chocolate to my favourite recipe from tessa kiros' apples for jam book. i make it with dairy free spread and it works a treat. of course elsa then doesn't end up eating it and i could have used butter but then...you know...she'd want to try it. she likes the baking part and the licking of the spoon so all is not lost. and it is the best breakfast cake with coffee.

new month and another delightful desktop download from rebekka. have you discovered dear friend? oh it is a blog i could sit and pour over all day. just beautiful. i have had serious home envy...

so off i go to bed now and with pen and paper to make the mother of a list...things to get done in our own home before we have lovely family visiting from ireland at the end of august. those projects that i keep thinking i'd like to get round to.